
The goals of the Stewardship Board are to initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talents, and treasures; to provide for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for the work of Christ’s Kingdom; to ensure the financial stability of the congregation and its work though a developed program of dedicated proportionate, first fruits giving.

Ways in which the Stewardship Board facilitates these objectives: Studying Scriptural principles regarding the total stewardship calling of the Christian; contacting and encouraging all members for service; discovering and enlisting for Kingdom service the talents God has given our members; educating every member on basic Biblical stewardship; annually giving every member an opportunity to make a commitment of his treasure for Kingdom work; initiating preparation and presentation of an annual work program; oversee the counting, safe depositing, and recording of all funds; review the monthly financial statements to determine that the remission of offerings for missions and payment of salaries and bills as authorized by the congregation and the appropriate Boards has occurred; review, accept, or decline all offers of non-solicited gifts to the congregation; plan and recommend a program of support for a selected list of charities. 

The purpose of the Youth Board is to provide an opportunity for youth to: Read, teach, and apply the Scripture to their daily lives; continually pray and praise for all God has provided;  attain an understanding of how to witness the love of Jesus with other students and friends; to gain a solid foundation of our Easter faith; increase our knowledge of scripture; create a growing confidence in Christian independence; integrate into the church body as a vital element of the church as displayed in Romans 12:3-8; to have fun while emphasizing team building and uplifting our peers; to strengthen ourselves in our Baptism and Confirmation.



